A screening camp for Hepatitis B and C was organized at Packages LimitedA free screening camp for Hepatitis B and C was organized at Packages Limited in alignment with World Hepatitis Day 2024. Over 174 employees from Packages Limited, Packages Convertors Limited, Bulleh Shah Packaging, DIC Pakistan, OmyaPack, and Packages Mall availed the facility as […]
Packages Group recently organized a Data Analytics WorkshopPackages Group recently organized a Data Analytics Workshop for its employees which was a tremendous success! Our team now has enhanced skills in data-driven decision-making, critical thinking, nuanced data interpretation, and clear communication. The workshop fostered a culture of critical thinking among our team members. Armed with the […]
Packages Group recognised World Population DayOn July 11th, Packages Group recognised World Population Day, an important UN initiative to highlight global population challenges, reminding us of the critical need for sustainable development and addressing key issues such as healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability.With the global population now over 8 billion, we face significant issues like […]
A half-day workshop was organized on “Auditing for Responsible Supply Chain”A half-day workshop was organized on “Auditing for Responsible Supply Chain” for our Responsible Supply Chain Team, with participants from Packages Limited, Bulleh Shah Packaging Pvt. Ltd. (BSP), DIC Pakistan Limited, OmyaPack, and Tri Pack Films Ltd. The engaging session was delivered by Mr. Muhammad […]
Packages Group hosted an inspiring “Bring Your Child to Work DayOn July 22, 2024, Packages Group hosted an inspiring “Bring Your Child to Work Day”! This event was dedicated to engaging our future leaders with the importance of sustainability and showcasing the impactful steps Packages Group is taking as an industry leader.Our young guests learned […]
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Training was conducted at Packages GroupPackages Group recently conducted extensive training sessions on Energy Efficiency and Conservation for its employees across different Group Companies including PCL, BSP, TPFL, DIC, Omya, PREPL, SPL & HPL. Over 300 employees benefited from these sessions.The sessions were designed to enhance employees’ knowledge of energy consumption […]
Packages Aspire Management Trainee Program OnboardingWe received an amazing response on our Packages Aspire Management Trainee Program. The applicants went through a series of extensive tests, interviews, and assessment centers. 74 candidates were selected and onboarded in Packages Group as Management Trainees.We welcome them aboard!
Packages Group conducted a blood donation drive was in collaboration with the Fatimid FoundationA blood donation drive was conducted in collaboration with the Fatimid Foundation to donate blood for children with thalassemia and haemophilia. Our employees took part in this important initiative wholeheartedly while also learning about the importance of blood donation and safe blood […]
Sustainability VisitsThe Packages Group’s Energy Team recently conducted visits to Bulleh Shah Packaging, Omya Pack, and Starch Pack, touring their facilities, production sites, and observing significant Energy Efficiency projects. Participants from PCL, DIC, TPFL and HPL joined these visits, engaging in activities designed to enhance collaboration within the energy team.These visits highlight our commitment to […]
Packages Group successfully recertified on the prestigious Green Office certification by WWFWe are thrilled to announce that Packages Group offices in Lahore, including Packages Limited, Packages Convertors Limited, OmyaPack, Starch Pack and DIC Lahore have successfully recertified on the prestigious Green Office certification by WWF! This achievement reflects our continued commitment to sustainability and environmentally […]